The Gateway Tenants Association (GTA), previously known as the Gateway Plaza Tenants Association, serves to:
(1) represent the interests of its members before all governmental, quasi-governmental and private institutions that develop policy affecting Gateway Plaza and its residents and that supervise, manage or regulate our housing; and
(2) define, maintain, and promote our common objectives in a democratic manner so that the health, safety and welfare of its members are maintained and improved.
The GTA is a nonprofit organization, and all proceeds from membership dues go toward events for Gateway tenants, philanthropy, or GTA operating expenses.
The Gateway Tenants Association Board has established and continues to maintain close relationships with our local elected officials and with the Battery Park City Authority, and with Community Board 1, who often join us in the resolution of Gateway-related challenges.
If any Gateway Resident is interested in running for the Board at the next Annual Meeting, slated for April 16th, 2025, please contact us at
GTA Board & Officers – 2024
Co-Presidents: Rosalie Joseph and Shannon McCue
1st Vice President: Robin Forst
2nd Vice President: Vittoria Fariello
Secretary: Jeff Galloway
Assistant Secretary: Cris Green
Treasurer: Karlene Wiese
Assistant Treasurer: Anna Bain
Board Members:
– Sarah Cassell
– Audrey Comisky
– Larry Emert
– Pat Gray
– Howard Grossman
– Sally Guttmacher