Tenant Survey to Collect Info About Pandemic-Related Effects on Rent Payments and About Lease Renewals

GPTA asks you to please take a moment and fill out this important survey as soon as you possibly can.

SURVEY LINK: https://forms.gle/MCnspGYuAXEcoUYF7

The data from this survey will help us and our elected officials better understand the impact of the past five months on our Gateway community, for both rent stabilized and market rate tenants. We need information from residents about the financial effects of the pandemic on the ability to pay rent. We are also interested in knowing more about your lease and renewal status

Please assist us by providing responses to the following questions. You can provide personal information if you wish, but you can answer anonymously as well. GPTA will keep all identifying information confidential. (One entry per household, please.)

We are taking action but we need this information. Please participate!

Thank you for your support,